Chuck Pierce gave a message at the "Gathering of the Seers" Conference at Pasadena, CA this January 2010.
Here are some notes I took:
Chuck Pierce states he has a peculiar understanding of : TIME. It is linked in with your role in an event that sets the course for your life. Be CONFIDENT. Confidence = FAITH. Eyes are opening in a whole new way like never before.
How are you seeing the NEW THING He's doing around you right now...Are you anxious about your future? Anxiety will keep you from seeing. The Lord gives you a gift for the future assignment.
***SPECIAL DELIVERY to Chuck’s wife from the Lord. The gift of simplicity was given to Chuck’s wife to enter into this new season. The opposite of simplicity is anxiety.
MARTHA had anxiety (interpreted: dragging everyone in circles). Mary was tapping into the moment – Seeing her moment. To enjoy it. Be anointed to see the moment. (Don’t be drug around in circles and cycles of captivity by living in the past.
The 3 things of SIMPLICITY: 1. Faith, 2. Focus, 3. Function. If 'function' is first, then you are wanting to GET SOMETHING DONE before you have faith and focus.
Mary was tapping into the moment. Be able to see when your deliverance comes. Expectation that this change will manifest. Change is happening around you. Are you seeing the new "manifest"...Don't go back into old cycles and captivity, break into the NEW. The WAll STREET JOURNAL said this month, "we're going to have to look at time differently if we're going to prosper in 2010."
This season is shifting and you will have the ability to shift with it. Breaking out of the old captivity of the last season. You must say, "I'm through with it." In this new season where everything is changing all around you, God redifines the ground, the relationships you were in, the whole atmosphere.
There will be a crossing over--an excelleration in April. The 10th of April there will come a shift. Things are changing, we are digging new wells...new manifestations of the Holy Spirit are coming. 10 years of baptism - renewal - power and authority - River of God on the verge-new breakthrough.
Reorder your vision - Simplicy from anxiety. Let go and let God move in a whole new way. We're being moved around. Feeling the letting go (soul-ties of the past) are being CUT! You can feel pain if you don't submit quickly as you advance. So you can let God cut them. Wear a new Identity in the new season. We are going from a season of HEARING to a season of SEEING--"You ain't seen nothing yet!"
Ayin in Hebrew means aperture - Capture a moment. You will have a flash of openness in a moment - Spring bubbling out of the ground looks like an eye. The Spirit of Prophecy will come on you and you will begin to prophecy as if it was today. You are cutting your loss from the last season and moving into your new season.
all changing
new financial structures
new gov't structures
John 1
Jesus connected with John the Baptist's movement
We need to get in on all renewal movements so that we can move forward with the next ones.
Tie up all loose ends in the old. Forgive, go on, cut the losses. Have a clean slate to move forward. Earth, heaven and atmosphere going to shift. When Jesus was baptized by John the heavens opened and God said, "This is my Beloved Son." The heavens will open over us as we move with faith into the NEW.
John 1:36 John said, "Behold (Jesus) the Lamb of God." Not all John's disciples made the shift into Jesus' ministry. Some had a heart for the NEW. You don't have to strive for the NEW, you just move and let go the old. Then, when they came to Jesus, He said, "what are you seeking?" So they spoke it out. And Jesus said, "then come and SEE."
And so Chuck said, make a list of what you are seeking in this new season.
And then speak these things out loud. "Come and SEE"
They, (Jesus first followers) said, "RABBI" (teacher). It is beyond teacher mantle. We just here/see differently "COME AND SEE"
V.42 Simon you will be called Cephas. You are already coming into your new IDENTITY. The old Identity from the last season is no longer. THIS IS a picture of who we all are now.You will not look or be the same as you were last season.
The Lord will start manifesting where we are that people will recognize something's connecting in a whole new way. BEHOLD I DO A NEW THING, DO YOU NOT SEE IT? Luke 24
Will your loss keep you from seeing in a new season...What Jesus was doing in one wineskin for 3 years is shifting to a new wineskin (structure). It doesn't matter how hard or the losses of the last one.
Jesus was moving along (the ROAD TO EMMAUS) into a new season even in the crisis if the last season. Those confused disciples were restrained from seeing it was Jesus talking to them, in His ressurrected body. YOU DO NOT want your eyes restrained from the crisis of the last season. Why don't you tell me your mess from the last season, I want to hear it. Tell me how and what you went through in the last season. He is listening.
God will send people to you who are already seeing and percieving correctly. V.24 Some didn't see/percieve. They didn't believe the women who saw the angels at the tomb. Unbelief causes us not to see.
January February 2010 we're in a faith crisis. Don't be traumatized from last season, but see the new season. Identify your new identity. The disciples constrained the Lord (who they didn't yet recognize)--STAY WITH US--and when they broke bread their eyes opened.
There are places where Christ will come and abide with you as you are gathered together with others. Not just visit, but abide. Stay with you.
Chuck prophesying:
Creative sounds will produce manifestedmiracles--tangible glory will come on air-ways. When crisis intensifies greatness in the atmosphere will increase. (He prophecies over James Goll that for his loss there will be greater manifestations in the 2010 season.
31/2 years Elijah prophecies no rain. I Kings 18. And then he SEES is time. it's time! You know it is TIME. He travails for 7 times and each time sends his servant out to look for clouds. He travailed and travailed, he knew it was TIME for RAIN. There is a different formation coming into the atmosphere. I'm going to announce RAIN is coming. ELIJAH RAN to the gate to establish the WORD, RAIN'S COMING!!!!
I Kings 2:19 Do not be duped by warfare in this season. If you see demons manifesting you've already won.
But Elijah ran away. It took 7 more years to regain. But during that time he learned to see into a NEW REALM. He saw the Hosts of God. 2 King 6 "Those who are with us are more than all the demons with them.!!!"